Tour dengan fasiitas perjalanan yang exclusive dan nyaman menggunakan limousine bus satu-satunya di Indonesia yang memiliki 10 roda (super long chasis) yang dilengkapi dengan fasilitas sbb:
  • Air Condition
  • 4 seats at smoking room
  • 6 seats super executive with foot rest
  • 4 seats at meeting table
  • 6 seats at sofa
  • 1 LCD TV 42"
  • 2 LCD TV 21"
  • Dolby Surround 5.1 Audio System
  • Toilet
  • Pantry
  • Refrigerator
  • GPS
  • Door with lift
  • Stewardess Services
  • Tour Leader Services
  • Coffee/tea/softdrink on board
Kunjungan wisata: Lembang, Ciater, Saung Angklung Mang Udjo, Wisata belanja dan kuliner
Total biaya: Rp. 29.500.000 (untuk maksimal 12 orang peserta)
Biaya sudah termasuk: Sewa bus untuk 2 hari, 5 kamar untuk 1 malam superior/deluxe di Hotel Grand Pacific *4 berikut makan pagi, tiket obyek wisata, tol, parkir, tour leader & stewardess services

Kunjungan wisata: Pantai Pangandaran, Green Canyon, Batu Karas
Total biaya: Rp. 39.500.000 (untuk maksimal 12 orang peserta)
Biaya sudah termasuk: Sewa bus untuk 2 hari, 5 kamar untuk 2 malam superior/deluxe di Hotel Surya Pesona *3 berikut makan pagi, tiket obyek wisata, tol, parkir, tour leader & stewardess services

Kunjungan wisata: Borobudur, Prambanan, Kaliurang, Kraton Yogya, Kotagede
Total biaya: Rp. 49.500.000 (untuk maksimal 12 orang peserta)
Biaya sudah termasuk: Sewa bus untuk 2 hari, 5 kamar untuk 3 malam superior/deluxe di Hotel Mutiara Malioboro *3 berikut makan pagi, tiket obyek wisata, tol, parkir, tour leader & stewardess services

INFO DAN REGISTRASI : (021) 83828886, 081398622288, 081932343181


Wakatobi adalah sebuah kabupaten kepulauan di propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Nama Wakatobi sendiri adalah kependekan dari nama empat pulau terbesar di wilayah tersebut yaitu Wangi-wangi, Kaledupa, Tomia dan Binongko. Wakatobi sendiri sebenarnya memiliki 142 pulau, tapi yang dihuni 7 pulau saja. Jadi, 97 persen wilayah kabupaten ini adalah lautan. Daratan hanya 3 persen saja. Dulunya, kawasan ini dikenal dengan nama Kepulauan Tukang Besi. Meskipun sebenarnya yang menjadi daerah penghasil alat-alat dari besi itu hanya ada di Pulau Binongko. Tapi konon, alat-alat dari besi yang dihasilkan oleh pulau ini memang ciamik. Dari peralatan-peralatan besi yang paling besar sampai dengan yang paling kecil.

Sebagai Taman Laut Nasional, Wakatobi merupakan taman laut dengan jumlah species terumbu karang terbesar di dunia. Tidaklah heran, karena Wakatobi merupakan pusat dari segitiga emas terumbu karang dunia. Di dunia ini ada 6 negara yang masuk dalam segitiga emas ini. Terbentang dari Thailand, Malaysia, Philiphina, Indonesia (Bunaken, Wakatobi, Bali, dan Lombok), Timor Leste, Papua Nugini dan berakhir di Solomon. Dan, Wakatobi, tepat berada di jantungnya. Berdasarkan data dari Operational Wallacea, Wakatobi memiliki 750 species coral dari 850 yang ada di dunia. Lebih banyak dari koleksi di Karibia yang hanya 650 species. Ditambah lagi dengan adanya 943 jenis ikan di dunia, maka tak heran, kalau keindahan dunia bawah laut di Wakatobi akan setimpal dengan pemandangan di atas lautnya. Belum lagi kekayaan budaya.Tiap pulau memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda-beda. Berpadu dengan keindahan pantainya yang berpasir putih dan air laut yang jernih dan berkilau, membuat orang yang mengunjungi mengatakan Wakatobi sebagai: “Surga di Atas dan Surga di Bawah”. Artinya baik di daratan maupun di dalam lautan sama indahnya bagaikan surga.

WAKATOBI OCEAN PARK PARADISE TOUR Plus mengunjungi Trans Studio Theme Park Makasar, 5 Hari 4 Malam

Hari-1, JakartaMakasar City Tour (Makan S, M)

Berangkat dari Jakarta menuju Makasar, tiba di Makasar dijemput di Bandara Hasanudin, makan siang di restoran lokal dan berwisata ke Benteng Rotterdam dan dilanjutkan menuju Trans Studio Theme Park. Setelah puas, menuju kawasan pusat oleh-oleh Somba Opu dan Pantai Losari untuk makan malam lalu check in di hotel.

Hari-2, Makasar – Wanci – Hoga (Makan P, S, M)

Setelah sarapan di hotel menuju Bandara untuk penerbangan ke Wanci – Wakatobi, penerbangan akan transit di Bau-bau, tiba di Bandara Matahora – Wakatobi, dijemput di bandara dan makan siang Restoran Wisata. Setelah makan siang menuju pelabuhan untuk penyeberangan menuju Pulau Hoga, sebuah pulau berpasir putih yang sangat indah dengan air lautnya yang jernih serta spot snorkeling yang juga sangat menawan. Tiba di Hoga kita akan langsung menuju ke penginapan berupa cottage berupa rumah panggung dengan pemandangan pantai yang indah. Setelah berisitrahat sejenak kita tour darat mengeksporasi Pulau Hoga dilanjutkan dengan snorkeling sampai sunset. Setelah itu kembali ke cottage dan makan malam.

Hari-3, Hoga – Kaledupa – Tomia (Makan P, S, M)

Setelah sarapan menuju Kaledupa dan melihat perkampungan Suku Bajo Mantingola, kemudian perjalanan dilanjutkan dengan penyeberangan menuju Tomia. Tiba di Tomia, menuju cottage tempat menginap dan makan siang. Setelah makan siang dan istirahat, acara snorkeling menuju spot snorkeling yang konon kabarnya merupakan yang terindah di dunia yang dinamai Marimabuk. Anda akan benar-benar dibuat mabuk oleh keindahan pesona terumbu karang dan species yang hidup di perairan itu. Setelah puas bersnorkeling kita kembali ke daratan untuk menuju puncak bukit di Tomia untuk melihat keindahan sunset dari atas bukit, kemudian kembali ke penginapan dan makan malam.

Hari-4, Tomia – Wanci (Makan P, S, M)

Sarapan pagi dan bersantai menikmati daratan Tomia, setelah itu check-out dan menuju Wanci. Tiba di Wanci, makan siang dan setelah itu kita akan tour darat ke Benteng Lia Togo, pengrajin tenun dan menuju Pantai Patuno untuk check in di Patuno Resort. Waktu bebas menjelang sore hari dapat dipergunakan untuk snorkeling di area pantai resort atau melihat atraksi lumba-lumba yang berkeliaran di sela-sela gelombang laut di depan pantai. Makan malam di Patuno Resort dan kita akan melewatkan pergantian tahun di tempat yang indah ini.

Hari-5, Wanci – Makasar – Jakarta (Makan P)

Setelah makan pagi menuju Bandar Udara Matahora dan menuju Jakarta dengan transit di Makasar. Tiba di Jakarta sore hari dan berakhirlah petualangan tahun baru yang seru dan tak terlupakan di Wakatobi.

Biaya per peserta : Rp. 3.800.000 (Minimum 12 peserta)

Biaya sudah termasuk :

  • Hotel & Cottage 4 malam, 1 malam di Makasar, 1 malam di Hoga, 1 malam di Tomia dan 1 malam di Patuno Resort-Wanci
  • Makan total 12x
  • Sewa boat
  • Peralatan snorkeling
  • Transportasi darat
  • Entrance fee
  • Tour Leader

Biaya tidak termasuk :

  • Tiket pesawat Jakarta-Makasar-Wanci pp
  • Pengeluaran pribadi seperti: telp, laundry, room service dan makan minum diluar yang tercantum dalam acara tour
  • Personal tips
RAJAPIKNIK TOUR : (021) 83828886, 83828887, 082124699853


South Kalimantan
province lies at the southern end of island and is one of four provinces on Kalimantan. This region known as the Land of a Thousand Rivers, Big and small rivers, wide swamps and lowlands are characteristic of this southern province. Some of those rivers, such as the Barito, Martapura and Negara mark the boundary between South Kalimantan and the neighboring Central Kalimantan with dense tropical rain forests and covered mountainous sparsely inhabited territory. The southern region is a coastal plain, lined by vast mangrove forests. This coastal area is rich in fresh and salt-water fishes.Those three regions are practically separated from each other by the Meratus mountain which spread from the north to south through the center of the province. Many villages and plantations lie along the Barito river course, which runs from the north to south. Like most other regions in South Kalimantan has two seasons, a dry and a rainy. The rainy season lasts from October to April, and dry season from May to September. South Kalimantan covers an area of about 37,000 square kilometers. The population of South Kalimantan consists of two main groups: the Banjar who live along the coasts and make up the majority, and the Dayaks who inhabit the upstream regions of the rivers. The Banjar people are devout Moslems. They are friendly, like to help one another, and have a good sense of humor. They also are tolerant of other religions and respect one another.The friendly attitude of the Banjar, and their hospitality, tends to make visitors immediately feel at home in their midst. The daily languages spoken by the Banjar people Malay and Indonesian although in a distinct local dialect.

Banjarmasin and its surroundings
Banjarmasin, the capital city, is the center of trade and tourism. It lies at the delta of the Barito river. The city is intertwined by numerous rivers of various sizes and lengths. The major rivers are Martapura and Nagara. The numerous rivers made the city get its nickname River City local people build traditional floating houses along the rivers and these houses are called "lanting", facing the rivers, which are made of wood or bamboo. Rivers have been very important for business and economic activities. This is one reason why there are floating markets everywhere. Making trips along the mighty Barito and Martapura rivers by "klotok boat or river bus", will give a unique experience. For longer trips one can hire speedboat. Banjarmasin has developed into an industrial and touristic city. There are star hotels and 20 lesser hotels. For entertainment there are movie theaters, karaoke centers, cultural theaters and restaurants serving local as well as international foods.

Kembang Island
This island is right in the Barito river, not far from a floating market. It is a conservation forest of about 60 hectares, inhabited by tame monkeys of
Kalimantan species only. One of the species is called "bekantan" (nasalis larvatus). It is mostly visited by Chinese Indonesians, as there is a small offering temple where they feed the monkeys. It is believed that feeding the monkeys will bring good luck an fortune.

Kaget Island
Like Kembang island, Kage
t island is also in the Barito river. From downtown it takes 1 1/2 hours by klotok boat or 1 hour by speedboat to get there. This island is another forest conservation and is also inhabited by the "bekantan" monkeys and the Lutung (prebitis orisate), as well as many sorts of birds.

Diamond Digging at Cempaka & Martapura
Cempaka is a small village 10 km from Banjarbaru, and 45 minutes from
Banjarmasin. It is an old site of traditional diamond digging using very simple equipment. The digging is a collective work by a group, usually consisting of one family and its close relatives. In 1985 a large raw diamond of 116.7 carats was found in a hole of 15 meter
s deep. Martapura is the center of diamond and precious stones polishing; it is also the center of diamond marketing. The town is 40 km from Banjarmasin. The polishing work uses traditional as well as modern equipment. Martapura Plaza is the center of diamond and jewelry marketing. Stone-craft of various origins and forms are easily found in the markets of Martapura. Pieces of jewelry having with a large price range, start from as little as Rp.10.000,- up to millions of rupiahs.

Loksado is at the South Hulu Sungai district whose capital is Kandangan. The town is about 3 hours by car from Banjarmasin. The road is good. However,from Kandangan to Loksado,the road goes as far as Halunuk,a small village. Then the trip continues by motor cycle which takes a single passenger over a narrow foot-path. The natural surroundings of the hilly region provides attractive sights for those who enjoy hiking and mountaineering. On the way, meet the local people with their original ways and cross the river over a suspended bridge.

Adventure River Rafting
The Amandit River which originates at Meratus runs through Loksado and meets the mighty Barito river further down. Visitors usually use the river to get back after visiting Loksado. Those who enjoy rafting may venture the trip through numerous rocky rapids by traditional rafts made of bamboo or by rubber boats. The river trip starts at Loksado,45 kilometers from Kandangan. When a motorcycle ride is preferred, it takes about 4 h
ours. Those who enjoy trekking through the forests of the hill, the trip takes 8-10 hours. When a river trip is taken, start from Loksado to Batu Laki which is 56 km away. The trip can be made in two stretches. The first is from Loksado to Muara Hatip. The second is from Muara Hatip to Batu Laki.


Day-1, Upon your arrival at Syamsuddin Noor airport, meeting service with your guide/assistance who will escort you to hotel in Banjarmasin, arriving at the hotel then check in and free program, having dinner at Local restaurant. Back to hotel and overnight at the hotel. (D)

Day-2, Early morning at 05.30 a.m, boating by using traditional boat “Kelotok “ to visit Floating Market in Barito River to see the traditional market by using small traditional canoe called “ Jukung “ where we will watch the market activities that selling for food and vegetables. And we can take a pictures and some local cake at floating Café called “ Rombong “ to have a cup of coffee or tea and then to Kembang Island, the monkey island. About 08.30 a.m back to hotel for breakfast. After breakfast relax for an hour then at 10.00 a.m driving to Diamond digging at Cempaka village to see the semi traditional activities for finding precious and semi precious stones, driving to Sungai Paring area to see the Diamond polishing and diamond outlet to see the process to make a diamond after taking from the digging area. Lunch will be served at local restaurant. Then driving again to Bumi Selamat Market in Martapura regency to buy some souvenirs of precious and semi precious stones such as diamond, blue safir, akiq, jambrut and etc. Traditional batik shirt call “ Sasirangan and air guci “, traditional medicine and etc. at about 4.30 pm back to hotel in Banjarmasin. Take a relax and at 7.30 pm having dinner at local restaurant. Back to hotel and overnight at the hotel. (B, L, D)

Day-3, Breakfast, free program and transfer to airport. (B)

Price per person: Rp. 2.500.000 (group departure for min 10 person)

Price included of: hotel 2 nights twin sharing *3, meals as itinerary, AC land transportation, boat at Pasar Terapung, tour leader, local guide and mineral water

Price excluded of: airline ticket, personal expenses like laundry, room service, telp and personal tips


The peaceful vibe and beautiful natural environment immediately put you in a state of relaxation. Guests who have never been able to nap before feel so comfortable and at home that they easily sink into a deep sleep in one of our hammocks or in the comfort of their abode. The genuine warmth of our staff, and the attentiveness to your every need and wish are designed to make you feel like royal guests. Magical reefs with colorful corals and playful fish invite you into their world to truly get away from it all. The open skies soothe your soul, the gentle breezes calm your mind, and the delicious foods and cozy textures nourish your senses. All around you are solutions to the common problems that we face – sustainable energy, organic gardens, water collection systems, waste management strategies, and friendly international people making the world a better place. The sum total of all this makes us feel at home and inspired by our environment. Only 90 minutes by fast boats from Jakarta, Tiger Islands Village & Eco Resort is mini version of paradise amongs tropical waters.

Snorkeling is the number one thing that we recommend to you. The Eco Resort guarded the reefs and hav
e some of the best corals and fish in the region. The teeming life around the reefs never ceases to produce surprises and the sheer joy of discovery for those who explore them. When you watch the reef, nothing else exists, and you are drawn in to a different world. It soothes the soul, and calms the mind. It’s great exercise. And it connects you to the planet and the world.
Wanna stay dry and on-land? No problem! There are plenty of fun things to do. Island hopping, and exploring our deserted island and others in the neighborhood. Badminton, Frisbees, a putter and a golf ball to play miniature golf around the island, kites, sand castle toys and toys for the kids, board games, and paddle balls are available for your use.


Tropical Island Bungalow, Two very large rooms on stilts, bathroom downstairs, middle of the island, Rp. 2.700.000/person.

Red Brick Cabin, Two spacious rooms, waterfront, attached bathroom, East end of Island, Rp. 2.600.000/person.

Eco Island Cabin, Two cozy wooden rooms, waterfront, Rp. 2.600.000/person.

Island Tents, Two tents placed on the west side of the island, both on the waterfront with paths to them, and solar lights for night lighting, Rp. 2.350.000/person

Sunset Hut Deck, This spot is a very peaceful place to sleep, on raised beds under a thatched roof, with gorgeous views of the sea as you wake up, Rp. 2.350.000/person

Price included of: speed boat transportion return, accomodation for 1 night, welcome drink, meals 4x, ancol entrance fee, tour leader

Facilities: private use of 2 islands, pool table, macan tenis, badminton court, inflatable boat, tramploline, wind surfer board, row boat, snorkeling, optional diving

Group departure for minimum of 15 person. Depart from Pier#6 Marina Ancol



Manado, North Sulawesi capital is really busy city. Unfolding to lowland, palm hill around the wide bay, encircled by fertile tropical plant. Do a journey to beach, South Manado to Tasik Ria beach and to Tanawanko, then leave the hinterland through Taratara to plateau town Tomohon. It is famous as "Interest Town", Tomohon between the two volcanoes, Lokon and Mahawu. Hilltop area have yield of fruits, vegetable, and the flower line, which is wide such as, trumpet flower, Bougainville, lily, gladiola flower, angelic and chrysene flower. The beautifully Inspirasi hill give town view with mount as the background. Two-hour climb from Kaskasan, will reside in beautiful top of the mountain. About 36 southwestern km is Manado city, the beauty of Tondano Lake have waited. Having vehicle through the pathway in Tondano through a real interesting rural and extent of clove garden. Around the lake there are a lot of restaurant providing delicious burning fish. All plateau, like this area is shown by many resident old cottages and interesting that you have to find. From the simple cottages until interesting cottages that built from odd hardwood, you will wish to spend some nights in cold climate.

is an 8.08 km² island in the Bay of Manado, situated in the north of the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bunaken forms part of the administrative city of Manado , capital of North Sulawesi. The marine Park around Bunaken is part of the National Park that also includes the ocean around the island of Manado
Tua – or Old Manado, Siladen and Mantehage. Within the Bunaken Marine Park, visitors can see various strange and colourful marine life along its sea bed. To reach this park, you can take a motorboat. The journey from Manado takes around 40 minutes. Entrance fee is 25,000 rupiahs per person per visit. The translucent waters of the Bunaken seas enable people to clearly view numerous sea biota. There are 13 species of coral reefs in this park, dominated by edge ridges and block ridges of rocks. The most attractive view is the steep vertical sloppy coral reef that plunges down as deep as 25-50 meters. Feast your eyes on 91 types of fish found in the Bunaken National Park, amongst which are the locally known gusimi horse fish (Hippocampus), the white oci (Seriola rivoliana), yellow-tailed lolosi (Lutjanus kasmira), goropa (Ephinephelus spilotoceps and Pseudanthias hypselosoma), ila gasi (Scolopsis bilineatus) and others. Divers may also meet mollusk like the giant kima (Tridacna gigas), goat head (Cassis cornuta), nautilus (Nautilus pompillius) and tunikates/ascidian. For those who enjoy scuba diving, this is a great place to be. With about 20 dive spots to choose from, divers will have the chance to swim below the sea, and frolic joyfully while admiring the sea creatures.


Day 01: Arrival – Manado city sightseeing tour (L,D)

Upon arrival at Sam Ratulangi airport, meeting service, we will take you on city tour in Manado, visiting : Second World War monument, Traditional local market, Ban Hin Kiong Temple the oldest Chinese temple, North Sulawesi Museum, Great Moslem Masque, the great Jesus Blessing statue, Merciful building then transfer to hotel. Lunch & Dinner will be serving at local restaurants.

Day 02: Minahasa Highland Culture Tour (B,L,D)

We depart from your hotel heading for the small village of Woloan, where you can see the Minahasan style houses being built, knock down style, ready for delivery or shipping. Then it's off to see the traditional food & flower market in Tomohon, surprises in store for you! After having lunch on Tondano Lake, close to the goldfish farm, where you will enjoy the serenity of Tondano Lake, we travel to Pulutan Village, a cottage industry for making pottery. As we start to head back towards Manado, the Hill of Love are a must to visit & explore. Last stop is Lake Linow (the changing color lake), a one of a kind experience. Lunch & Dinner will be serving at local restaurants.

Day 03: Bunaken Marine Park Sightseeing Tour (B,L,D)

At morning, travel by boat to Bunaken Island, one of the most beautiful sea garden in the world. There are fantastic coral reefs as well as colorful marine life. You will enjoy it by glass-bottomed boat Catamaran. For who those wants to swim, there is provided snorkeling gadgets on the boat (additional charge), as that would be the most the most fun action to take in at this marine park. Lunch will be serving at local restaurant at Bunaken Island. Free for leisure until back to Manado.

Day 04: Shopping – Transfer out (B)

Breakfast at hotel, Check out hotel then shopping at souvenir shop before transfer to airport for you onward flight.

Price/person : Rp. 2.850.000 (minimum 15 person)

Price included of: hotel for 3 nights at Quality/Grand Puri *3, tour services, transportation (bus/car and boat), meals 9x as itinerary, entrance fee, tour leader (for group), local guide

Price excluded of: air ticket Jakarta-Manado pp, personal expenses, personal tips


Located approx
imately 120km from sukabumi city, Ujung genteng became an interesting tourism object. The beach is clean and natural also has an interesting panorama to be visited. At some part of beach, the location is suited for playing or simply bathing in the sea. Because the depth of its beach is only as basal thigh when tide sea and when was withdrawing only around as of foot calf. At this beach you can meet no heavy wave, its only slow current shifting from right to left. There also dock ex- omission of Dutch which already old, if you ask the people for its history, no one knows it well enough.

Toward east from ujung genteng there is also fish auction location, which is crowded in the morning at 5am to 9am. Most fisherman haul various type of fish which caught up last night. You can buy some fishes in this location with fresher taste and off course its cheaper than the other market around.

Pangumbahan, is one of unique tourism object at this location. Watch the sea turtle lays their eggs at the beach at night time. This must be a unique even for some person an not all coastal has it. The turtle which lying eggs at this area is green turtle which is live at the sea-water. Green turtle can grow until reaching more than 1 meter long, more than 200 kg in weight and life more than 100 years. Before turtle starts to lay their eggs we suggest to generate any light because this make the turtle refuse to lay eggs and back again to the sea. After egg starts to release then we can be near and observes it by using flash light. If the turtle already started to release its egg, it won’t stop until finished and numbers of eggs released from a green turtle are more than 200.

Cipanarikan Estuary is also one of interesting place to visit at ujung genteng. This estuary is the meeting point of Cipanarikan River with the ocean. Cipanarikan River forms a path before meet the ocean, so that is formed extent of sand that is wide enough with form of real smooth sand, very compatible as playground sand for children. At this estuary we can found many animals like crab, teal, iguana and estuary fishes. When we trace the beach, there are also many decorative fishes typical of variegation of sea-water fish swimming freely in between rock.

Ombak Tujuh, located around 15 Km from pangumbahan are able to reach on foot for about 3-4 hours walk. This is the favorite location for foreigner to surf. Ombak Tujuh is named after heavy wave which comes seven times within a period. Around this location, we can found some isle, with the natural rocky beach. If you want to go there, you can hire a motorbike, but when the rainy season comes, it only can be reached by foot.

Ujung genteng also has another tourism object in the form of process of coconut sugar by local people. The making process is very simple by exploiting wide plantation of coconut, the residents installs bokor to accommodate dilution from coconut flower then in collects and cooked frying-pan then is printed with bamboo cutting which its measure bigger than the coconut sugar measure in marketing.


Day-1: Start from Jakarta at 07.00am to Ujung Genteng via Sukabumi and Pelabuhan Ratu. Lunch will serve at Pelabuhan Ratu Beach. In the way to Ujung Genteng, we will visit Cikaso Waterfall (Curug Cikaso), the most beautiful waterfall in west java. Arrive at Ujung Genteng in the afternoon, we can enjoy beautiful sunset at beach in front of the villa where we stay. Dinner with local seafood will serve at the villa. (Lunch, Dinner)

Day-2: After breakfast, we will start our adventure today to Muara Cipanarikan, the large and beautiful beach with smooth sand and we go along Ujung Genteng to play or swim at the beach. About 10.00pm we will start our journey to see the turtle lays their eggs at Pangumbahan Beach at night. It's an amazing moment! (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)

Day-3: Breakfast at the villa, play again at another spot of the beach, enjoy the hidden paradise. Check-out from the villa at noon we will go to Tanah Lot Amandaratu and we will have lunch at Amandaratu Restaurant with beautiful sea view in front of us. After lunch we will go back to Jakarta with beautiful our memories about the beauty of Ujung Genteng (Breakfast, Lunch)


  • Group of 4 person: Rp. 1.950.000/person
  • Group of 6 person: Rp. 1.700.000/person
  • Group of 8 person: Rp. 1.550.000/person
  • Group of 10 person: Rp. 1.450.000/person
  • Group of 12 person: Rp. 1.375.000/person
  • Group of 20 person: Rp. 1.200.000/person (Medium Bus)
Price included of:

  • AC Transportation, 4 (Daihatsu Luxio), 6-8 (KIA Pregio/Travello), 10-12 (Elf Executive), 20 (Medium Bus)
  • Accomodation, The Natural Villa of Pondok Adi for 2 nights.
  • Meals 7x
  • Entrance fee include motorbike rent to Pangumbahan Beach for each person
  • Retribution
  • Tour leader
  • Toll and parking fee
Price not include: personal expense like personal tips, telp, laundry, room service and other personal expenses.



  • Group of 4 person: Rp. 1.400.000/person
  • Group of 6 person: Rp. 1.300.000/person
  • Group of 8 person: Rp. 1.200.000/person
  • Group of 10 person: Rp. 1.100.000/person
  • Group of 12 person: Rp. 1.050.000/person
  • Group of 20 person: Rp. 950.000/person (Medium Bus)
Price included of:

  • AC Transportation, 4 (Daihatsu Luxio), 6-8 (KIA Pregio/Travello), 10-12 (Elf Executive), 20 (Medium Bus)
  • Accomodation, The Natural Villa of Pondok Adi for 1 nights.
  • Meals 4x
  • Entrance fee include motorbike rent to Pangumbahan Beach for each person
  • Retribution
  • Tour leader
  • Toll and parking fee
Price not include: personal expense like
personal tips, telp, laundry, room service and other personal expenses.